Northern Regional Trustee

Sadly our current Regional Trustee Jane M has resigned.  Thank you so much Jane for all your vision and hard work in this role.

The job is now vacant. For more information contact Area Secretary Mick G (


In AA this seems to mean qualities enabling a member to deal with AA growth and affairs with good feeling and a minimum of friction. Good leaders can bring to the Board the quality of resoluteness and the courage of their convictions, along with good judgment, objectivity, and the willingness to stand up and express themselves. Such candidates generally have the love and respect of AAs in their community or Region and can represent the Board and interpret its actions back home.

Grasp of AA structure:

Some AAs have special aptitude for the AA structure and are thoroughly familiar with all its elements, from the Group through the Area to the Board and the Conference. They are usually familiar with AA’s history and the trends that affect its future.

Work Load / Availability:

All Trustee candidates need to think long and hard about the time they have available, without hurting family or career. Trustees have especially time-consuming jobs. In addition to two Board meetings plus travel time, they are required to attend another Board meeting and the four-day General Service Conference in November, and often have demanding travel schedules within their Regions. Throughout the year, these Trustees keep in touch with their colleagues on the Board and with the General Service Office.